Friday, April 3, 2009

Pink Blues

Imagine you come in one hour early to office daily. You stay late in the night to finish works which even others were supposed to do. Everyday you would have swiped in more hours than you were supposed to work.

You finish your work early everyday and then help others in meeting their deadlines. You adhere strictly to all office guidelines and be a loyal servant of the company. At the peak of your career, you get an offer from a better company for a better pay package. You reject it citing loyalty to the company you are working for. You say you are quite comfortable in your present company. Virtually you expect them to take better care of you in the coming appraisal.

You are being good to all your colleagues and with the boss too. Even when you have to struggle to meet deadlines, you never miss a smile from your face, thinking that it may make your friends in office feel bad. Even after a long day, you go home contented that you did not make any mistake, did not hurt anybody and made full use of the time in office. Early mornings you cut a few hours of sleep and get up early to learn about a new project.

Days, months and years passed. A day as usual as any other day, you are called to the boss' cabin. You are welcomed by new smiles other than the boss' there. You find they were from the HR department of the head office when you get a pink slip in your hand. Hearing your fate, your colleagues, half of them who are still holding on to their job, are demoralized.

Then you realize... Sigh...


Debanish Achom said...

This is by far the strongest and most bold post of yours. I wish to add more but you have covered everything here. Maybe my Sunday comment will try to address this issue :-)

Atul Vishwanathan said...

Nice nice... kind of makes you wonder whether it's all worth it or not right?

Arpita said...

Nice one yammu...but it's a bit unnerving too never knows what's up on the charts...

Debanish Achom said...

Up in the charts? It sounds more like astrology to me. So this recession thing has finally turned into charting of the planets. Next they will fire people like pages. If not one, then it will go in this formula called "Debbynometry": R2, R3, R4, Rn... x n wherein R is the zodiac sign and 1,2,3 are the persons. And 'n' means infinity. ha ha